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Term 3 | 3-4 Years
Welcome to Term 3
Welcome to Term 3
T3 | W1 | 3-4s - Left to Right Reading
T3 | W1 | 3-4s (35:20)
T3 | W2 | 3-4s - Call and Response Singing
T3 | W2 | 3-4s (36:59)
T3 | W3 | 3-4s - Lento
T3 | W3 | 3-4s (37:38)
T3 | W4 | 3-4s - How Many Sounds
T3 | W4 | 3-4s (35:27)
T3 | W5 | 3-4s - Presto
T3 | W5 | 3-4s (34:58)
T3 | W6 | 3-4s - Echo Singing
T3 | W6 | 3-4s (35:25)
T3 | W7 | 3-4s - Reading a Map
T3 | W7 | 3-4s (34:41)
T3 | W8 | 3-4s - Introduction to Music Staff
T3 | W8 | 3-4s (36:29)
T3 | W9 | 3-4s - Solo Singing Pretend Play
T3 | W9 | 3-4s (35:37)
T3 | W10 | 3-4s - Musical Form
T3 | W10 | 3-4s (36:53)
Next Steps & Receive Your Certificate!
Next Steps & Receive Your Certificate!
T3 | W3 | 3-4s
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